eface and iface
eface (empty interface)
- empty interface 不包含方法的 interface 结构
- data 是 nil,只要_type 不是 nil 这个
就不是 nil
type eface struct {
_type *_type
data unsafe.Pointer
// Needs to be in sync with ../cmd/link/internal/ld/decodesym.go:/^func.commonsize,
// ../cmd/compile/internal/gc/reflect.go:/^func.dcommontype and
// ../reflect/type.go:/^type.rtype.
// ../internal/reflectlite/type.go:/^type.rtype.
type _type struct {
size uintptr
ptrdata uintptr // size of memory prefix holding all pointers
hash uint32
tflag tflag
align uint8
fieldAlign uint8
kind uint8
// function for comparing objects of this type
// (ptr to object A, ptr to object B) -> ==?
equal func(unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer) bool
// gcdata stores the GC type data for the garbage collector.
// If the KindGCProg bit is set in kind, gcdata is a GC program.
// Otherwise it is a ptrmask bitmap. See mbitmap.go for details.
gcdata *byte
str nameOff
ptrToThis typeOff
iface (non-empty interface)
- 方法的具体实现存放在
变量中 - 如果 interface 包含多个方法
- iface 里有个 hash table
- iface 里有个 hash table
inter *interfacetype
包含 interface 本身的信息,比如 package path、method。
type iface struct {
tab *itab
data unsafe.Pointer
// layout of Itab known to compilers
// allocated in non-garbage-collected memory
// Needs to be in sync with
// ../cmd/compile/internal/gc/reflect.go:/^func.dumptabs.
type itab struct {
inter *interfacetype
_type *_type
hash uint32 // copy of _type.hash. Used for type switches.
_ [4]byte
fun [1]uintptr // variable sized. fun[0]==0 means _type does not implement inter.
type imethod struct {
name nameOff
ityp typeOff
type interfacetype struct {
typ _type
pkgpath name
mhdr []imethod